Goodbye, Help to Buy ISA

The Help to Buy ISA (HTBISA) will be closed to new savers after 30 November 2019. Existing savers will be able to continue making contributions for a further ten years.

Nearly 220,000 homes have been bought using the HTBISA since its launch in 2015. The demise of this type of ISA is due to the launch in April 2017 of the Lifetime ISA (LISA), which also incorporates a tax incentive for homebuyers.

The LISA is usually a more attractive option than the HTBISA, but there are circumstances where the HTBISA is the winner. If you, your children or grandchildren have not bought a first home, check with us whether you or they should start a HTBISA before December arrives.

The value of tax reliefs depends on your individual circumstances. Tax laws can change. The Financial Conduct Authority does not regulate tax advice.

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